The Spreadsheet Subscription That Makes Sense Of Marketing & Money Numbers So You Can Make More Profitable Decisions In Your Business


How To Eliminate Those Pesky Negative Foggy Feelings About Your Business & Turn Them Into Strategic Data Driven Decisions That Make You More Money

Running a business isn’t

an emotional event….

…said no one ever.

We know logically that business is dollars and cents,

people and processes, offers and sales.

But run in ANY business circle and you’ll see that 90% of the discussions are emotional in nature.

“I feel so tired and exhausted after my launch.”

“I don’t understand why I work so hard and there’s no money left over.”

“My audience is a bunch of needy freebie seekers and I’m over it.”

“My offers aren’t selling and I feel so panicky.”

“I don’t understand why I work so hard and there’s no money left over.”

“I don’t know what to do to increase my visibility and I feel tired just thinking about it.”

“I’m stressed trying to figure out what isn’t working and how to fix it.”

Don’t feel bad that you feel bad. Seriously. It’s normal.

And at the risk of sounding horribly cliché, the cure for all this stress is really very simple.

All your negative emotions and feelings about your business

stem from two things: Beliefs & Expectations.

Offensive unpopular opinion incoming…

Many of these beliefs and expectations are completely bananas, unrealistic,

wrong, and made up in fantasyland.

What if we could change our expectations and beliefs about what our business and offers should be doing? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Knowledge, data, and determination.

That leads to strategic decisions and more money.

Over the years, we’ve built many spreadsheets to help people understand their numbers and data to make more data driven decisions.

The benefits of our work are far reaching for students.

  • Less overwhelm when working on marketing and offers

  • More understanding of what’s “normal” in terms of numbers

  • Easy ways to find what levers to pull in their funnel to make things more profitable

  • Projections and estimations that help manage expectations and drive decisions about how hard to market a particular product

  • Simple calculations that don’t require any sort of formal training or tech skills

And since 2020, we’ve been running FG Funnels and know that our users could benefit from these simple, clear, effective spreadsheets and training. Problem is…they are spread out over lots of different courses.

That’s when we had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where we’d drop one of our ridiculously helpful spreadsheets per month (with a short training) and help you turn all that negative foggy feeling into knowledge you can put to work.

So We Did.

That’s why we’re SO flippin’ excited to bring you

The Spreadsheet Subscription That Makes Sense Of Marketing & Money Numbers So You Can Make More Profitable Decisions In Your Business


  • 1 Absurdly Useful & Beautifully Designed Spreadsheet That Will Help You Grow Your Business

  • 1 Ridiculously Easy & Simple Tutorial That Will Get You Zooming Around Your Sheet Like A Pro

  • 1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Was Built & How It’s Used For Context

Nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of CEO-ing your business.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit: As a member, you can submit a request for a particular type of calculator, tracker, or sheet. Maybe we’ll work it into our queue!

October 2024 Current Spreadsheet:

Offer Stack Spreadsheet

Types Of Problems These Sheets Will Solve:

How to figure out if your offer sucks or if you just have wildly mismanaged expectations

What you should pay yourself as the CEO of your company

What split test you should try first to get that pesky ROAS up on your ads

What you should price a new offer at to be able to afford your new boat

How to predict your launch numbers with accuracy and celebrate real wins

What you should and shouldn’t include in your upcoming launches

Dates & times for strategic sales campaigns

Elements & checklists for particular types of marketing

How to project into the future like a palm reader

How to calculate value stacks

The plan to afford a $1m dream home

Content ideas to keep you busy on social

How big your audience needs to be to hit a revenue goal

Deciding between launch strategies (i.e. whether to do a challenge or webinar or paid workshop)

Configuring key performance indicators like lifetime value and cost to acquire a customer

How price changes will impact your funnels and revenue long term

Benchmarks for healthy business margins

Wireframes for different types of funnels

How to work backwards into a goal for a new offer


Individual Access


1 Absurdly Useful & Beautifully Designed Spreadsheet That Will Help You Grow Your Business

1 Ridiculously Easy & Simple Tutorial That Will Get You Zooming Around Your Sheet Like A Pro

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Was Built & How It’s Used For Context

Delivered to your inbox each month!


Private Group License


1 Absurdly Useful & Beautifully Designed Spreadsheet That Will Help You Grow Your Business

1 Ridiculously Easy & Simple Tutorial That Will Get You Zooming Around Your Sheet Like A Pro

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Was Built & How It’s Used For Context

Unlimited use with your Private Clients (see details) for one low monthly price

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Our Spreadsheet Smiles Guarantee :)

  • They will take you MAX 15 minutes to learn

  • You don’t need to be a freak in the spreadsheets to use them

  • They will be obscenely useful (and addictive)

Cancel anytime, no hassle no problem - reach out to
[email protected] to the nicest, most helpful customer
support team in the Internet Marketing universe and beyond.

Still Not Sure? Get One Spreadsheet For Free…On Us!

YES! Try before you buy. We think you will love it! À la the Costco sample.

Right below we’re gifting you one spreadsheet, one tutorial, and one email so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re ready to buy, no worries. This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

"I used the Funnel Build Pricing Calculator to make 6 figures in my funnel building and offer strategy business and it has proven to be a solid foundation. FG spreadsheets are user friendly with example data taken from real world use. Even if you like building your own worksheets, you will love having these ready made tools in your back pocket!" - Michelle LaRue

Frequently Asked Questions

What tool are they built in?

The one, the only – home of the brave and the free... GOOGLE SHEETS. You can put them in Excel or whatever the tool is Apple uses these days (we don’t even know). They will not break if you open them in other tools, though why the heck wouldya want to?

How is this different from [insert FG course + spreadsheet I have]?

Welp. That depends. Most of our courses come with cool spreadsheets. And yes, some of those sheets will appear here in this subscription (clutches pearls). So if you’re not cool with that, don’t buy. Though, the email and tutorial alone are worth the price of membership if it means you actually dust off that sheet and cough cough use it!

Can I use the Individual Account with my team?

You betcha. The design of this is for you to use IN your business, teammates included. Individual accounts are not allowed to share the sheet or try to resell it. However, with the Group License (currently $47/mo), you are allowed to share with private clients ONLY, still no sharing with anyone other than clients, and still no reselling or repurposing of any kind.

I am a coach/consultant /course creator and want to use these in my programs. Can I?

Right now the agency/service provider license is only for 1:1 work per the question above. If you're running group programs where you don't work 1:1 with a client or have face-to-face interaction or a DIY course, we don't currently have a license for this. For use in a scaled capacity like courses, please email us at [email protected] to see if we can accommodate your specific needs.

Do I have to be an FG Funnels customer to use this?

Nope, anyone can use it. There are no prerequisites to joining Metrics Muse.

I suck at spreadsheets.

Is that a question? We kid. That’s okay! In fact if you hate spreadsheets, this is the #1 reason you should join. Because we’ve done the work for you.

It seems like your spreadsheets are solving LOTS of problems. Is this a marketing product?

This is all about the intersection of marketing and finance. Most people have no idea how to interpret marketing data or financial data, never mind make connections between the two. Each month we’ll focus on one super specific number or goal, to keep overwhelm to a minimum.

You could keep groping in the dark making business decisions that are akin to spaghetti on a wall…

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of money, marketing, and data and get clear on what your numbers mean and how to make them work for you.

And for those of you already deep in the world of KPI’s and projections, these spreadsheets are based on real world data and come with accurate expectations that you can pull into your own tracking software and dashboards.

We can’t wait to help!

xx Julie & Cathy


Individual Access


1 Absurdly Useful & Beautifully Designed Spreadsheet That Will Help You Grow Your Business

1 Ridiculously Easy & Simple Tutorial That Will Get You Zooming Around Your Sheet Like A Pro

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Was Built & How It’s Used For Context

Delivered to your inbox each month!


Private Group License


1 Absurdly Useful & Beautifully Designed Spreadsheet That Will Help You Grow Your Business

1 Ridiculously Easy & Simple Tutorial That Will Get You Zooming Around Your Sheet Like A Pro

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Was Built & How It’s Used For Context

Unlimited use with your Private Clients (see details) for one low monthly price

Delivered to your inbox each month!

October 2024 Current Spreadsheet:

Offer Stack Spreadsheet

"The pricing calculator spreadsheet helps match a price point with a consideration of what level of problem are you solving with your offer. This is something all my course creation clients ask for advice around. The spreadsheet also identifies the right payment plan for each price point. So helpful, thanks!" - Lindsey Barlow


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